What is VisualSIS ?
VISUALSOFT student information system (SIS) solution serves the educational and management level of Educational Institutions through providing reports and online access to actual performance and historical records. It acts as the core for planning, control, and decision support systems. The student information system offers a wide range of e-services to teachers, students, administrators and regulators.
- Decrease the amount of cost and time consumed by tasks
- Fast troubleshootingا
- Easy to change the business process and expand it faster to be involved with new market
- More wise decisions by depending on financial and accounts reports.
- Increase services efficiency and reputation
Our student information system – SIS has many units and applications that work together in a flawless rhythm as followed:
VisualSIS Modules
- Course Offering
- Online Registration
- Student Class Scheduling
- Grade Management
- Program Design/Academic Plan
- Online Application
- Evacuation and Processing
- Generating Admission
- Online Acceptance
- Record Management
- Student Transcript
- Graduation Process
- Student Academic Transactions
Automate your Business with VisualSIS
VisualSIS is an easy way to automate your business with the minimal cost and time possible.
Document Management
Manage Your Business with Ease
With VisualSIS, it’ll be easier to manage your business and its workflow, which will increase work efficiency and reputation through graphical readings that are easy to understand and draw future plans in the way of continuous success.